React Component not loading in Project Issue Navigator

I have successfully integrated a React project with Jira server by using the WRM webpack plugin. The web-panel shows with all required data in the issue view page.

But in the project issue navigator, only the webpanel heading is shown, but no data is shown. I believe the React Js part is not called.

Please let me know what I am missing here.

WebPack WRM plugin config:

            new WrmPlugin({
                pluginKey: "<<changed>>",
                contextMap: {
                    "th-tests": ["jira.view.issue" , "jira.navigator.simple", "jira.navigator.advanced"]
                xmlDescriptors: path.resolve(

Velocity Template:


<div id="root" data-key=$issue.getKey()></div>

AJS.$(function() {
    console.log("resource loaded");    // Shows in console

    JIRA.bind(JIRA.Events.ISSUE_REFRESHED, function() {
        console.log("issue refreshed"); // Shows in console

Any help on this please?

@PurusothamanRamanuja , we are also facing the same issue. Found any solution ?