RFC-37: Embeds as a New Confluence Content Type

Since at least the APIs are considered on-topic, let’s talk about those:

Without intending to sound like a broken record, while it’s great that the absence of V.2 APIs has been acknowledged in the announcement, shouldn’t this really have been considered a gating feature before rolling this out to any customer instances?

If Atlassian is going to say that the V.2 API is the end-all of APIs and that all apps should be using it, apps simply need to be able to navigate the entire content tree using accessible APIs.

If you create a scenario where new content types can have children and ancestors, but apps cannot navigate the content tree down (or particularly up) from wherever the app is used, this is a breaking change.

The request to make our apps “generic enough to accept any new content types” ends up being rather unfortunate because Atlassian hasn’t released the V.2 APIs needed to do that…and this is the third feature in recent memory where this has happened.

Even if these V.2 APIs were magically released today, you also need to give app developers enough time to implement these changes…and the four weeks proposed between announcement and rollout is simply not enough.

The implicit message that this sends to app developers is that we should not even bother trying to migrate anything to V.2 until all of this gets sorted out, with no end date in sight. I don’t think that is what Atlassian really wants, right?

Atlassian needs to:

  1. Bake in V.2 API support from ground zero for new projects, and alert any preexisting projects that this needs to happen, and add it as a requirement to complete before even the EAP, and

  2. Recognize that all these new content types require an entirely new set of endpoints to be coded from the app vendor side, and provide three months of notice before rolling out a new content type to any customer. (Or officially decide not to deprecate the existing V.1 generic endpoint that * cough * provides access to all content types in a really clean manner and which would solve all of these problems at once.)