Thanks for publishing the RFC @SarahAllen, great to have a broader conversation around this before too many decisions are made (thinking about one-way vs two-way door decisions).
Before we get in to Easy Agile’s current thinking here are a few items I believe are worth clarifying for the Marketplace Partner audience just so we’re on the same page:
- Is ‘site based’ and ‘multi-instance’ used interchangeably? i.e. are sites = instances in this RFC?
- Shall we standardise on ‘subscriptions’ and drop ‘license’? License feels like a hangover from Server days.
- The USD1bn Marketplace GMV cited is total (i.e. Server, DC, Cloud). Are you able to share Cloud GMV for context?
- Is it possible to get a diagram showing what combinations of subscription and pricing are possible? As a few folks have noted it is complicated, and if we are struggling to understand how will Atlassian present this to customers?
- Should ‘multi-instance licensing’ be called ‘Organisation wide subscription’ to align with the language Atlassian Admin uses (i.e. Organisation/Site/Product)?
Here is Easy Agile’s current thinking on the RFC itself:
- This is a massive change to the whole operating model of the Atlassian Marketplace.
- How do we model this?
- How is Atlassian modelling this?
- Essentially, how is this NOT revenue negative in the short term and how do Marketplace Partners bridge the gap?
- Customers will not benefit from lower costs as:
- decoupling adds complexity to the sales cycle and ongoing application user and usage management,
- if customers want Marketplace Partners to meet the demands of ISO27k, SOC 2, custom legals, etc then they must pay an Enterprise price,
- Marketplace Partners can not sustain a decimation in their revenue, so will have to increase the per user pricing to make up the shortfall, or otherwise we’ll go out of business and that will leave the customer without any solution, and
- as a result this leads to more complexity for customers, and they will ultimately pay around the same as they do today.
- This will add a significant administration burden for customers with multiple apps:
- Admins currently do not have to choose who has access to an app.
- Assuming they don’t set and forget this becomes an ongoing job increasing hours spent on non value add tasks for them.
- With every app having a different way of administering users this impact will be multiplied.
- In large complex organisations this could amount to a cost increase beyond anything they would potentially save. Not to mention the headache with the new complexity.
Solution Partners are currently trying to get up to speed on selling solutions, and this is just yet another distraction on the journey towards more solution selling in the Marketplace.
Putting in place mechanisms for these options in our own accounting and business management systems is non-trivial, all of our dashboards and historical business metrics would suddenly become harder to draw trends and insight from. That would leave many of us blind to what is occurring and slow decision making.
At Easy Agile we believe every member of a Product & Engineering group will get value from the Easy Agile product suite, and as an agile solution we believe visibility and transparency brings the best outcomes and leads to the most effective communication and alignment across a company. For this reason I believe we would continue to couple the Easy Agile user tier with the Jira user tier.
Easy Agile believes Atlassian needs to consider an option 4 - status quo - and focus energy on educating customers on the value prop that exists with Apps today, and avoiding adding a ton of complexity to sales during a difficult phase of the macroeconomic cycle.
Thank you Atlassian, and thank you Marketplace Partners for your thoughtful insight as well.
Nick Muldoon, CEO, Easy Agile