Thanks for getting back to me @belokurbohdan I just had another look at the problem (fresh eyes in the morning) and I went to check what dependencies the package has. There they specify a particular version of the intl package and after including that I got it to run. So my whole solution looks like this.
in package.json in dependencies I added "react-intl-next": "npm:react-intl@^5.18.1",
and did npm install
and my react typescript code looks like this (note you need to provide at least a fieldId
into the UserPicker component):
import React from 'react';
import RawUserPicker, {OptionData} from '@atlaskit/user-picker'
import { IntlProvider } from "react-intl-next";
export default function UserPicker(props: any) {
return (
<IntlProvider locale="en">
<RawUserPicker {...props} loadOptions={loadUsers} />
async function loadUsers(searchText?: string): Promise<OptionData[]> {
return JiraApi(`/rest/api/3/user/picker?showAvatar=true&query=${searchText}`).then((response:any) =>
(response.body as UserPickerSearchResponse) => ({
id: user.accountId,
interface UserPickerSearchResponse {
users: User[];
total: number;
header: string;
interface User {
accountId: string;
accountType: string;
name: string;
key: string;
html: string;
displayName: string;
avatarUrl: string;
Adjust the code and your JiraApi function to either AP.request or api.asUser().requestJira depending on what platform you are on and change the data retrieval accordingly! But this worked for me