Why does accessing Jira custom project avatars return 403?

We have an app that fetches a list of Jira projects via OAuth 2 (3LO) from REST API v2 ( via GET /rest/api/2/project/search) and renders them in a third-party application.

We use project.avatarUrls["24x24"] from the result to render the project avatars. Strangely, for Jira built-in avatars this works without any issues, however, for projects with custom avatars (image uploaded by us) the URLs return 403.

URLs look like this:

This does not work:

Here it works:

Does anyone have an idea how to fix this? It seems custom avatars are not made publicly accessible.

Ping: Does anyone at Atlassian have an idea on how to fix this? @nmansilla

Hi @tbinna,

I’ll see if I can help. I hope that either myself or someone from the Jira team will get back to you soon.


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Hi @tbinna, this is Cristian from Jira Platform :wave:t2:

Custom avatars are user-generated content and as such require authentication. If I understand correctly, avatars are being rendered (i.e. fetched) in a third-party application – so please make sure those requests are authenticated and with the right permissions to see the avatar.

Hope you have a great weekend!

Hey @ccasais, that’s right and makes absolute sense, however, the avatars are rendered in a third-party application, i.e. I just hand them the URL but I am not in control of how the avatars are rendered or how they are fetched.

I think the only way to work around this is to proxy the avatar request from the third-party system through our server where we can add authentication and return the image. Unfortunately, I assume we have to proxy all requests as there is no easy way to know if an avatar URL points to user-generated content or not.

@ccasais just had another look at this and did some more testing with some interesting results.

It seems project avatars in the REST API point to /secure/projectavatar?... and issue type avatars point to /secure/viewavatar?....

An interesting insight of this is that resolving custom issue type avatars via api.atlassian.com/ex/jira/[my-site-id]/secure/viewavatar?size=medium&avatarId=10929&avatarType=issuetype works without authentication.

If I use that same endpoint to try to load project avatars, it seems to default to the default project avatar but does not fail with a 403 as described above.

I am wondering what’s Atlassian’s view on this, considering that this behavior is inconsistent? Should custom avatars generally be public or should they be private? Having custom project avatars private and custom issue type avatars public does not really make sense to me.

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@ccasais just wanted to check back what you think about the above findings? Any chance that this could be fixed on Atlassian’s end?

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Hey @tbinna, so sorry for the delayed response, just wanted to give you an update on this:

Both project and issue type avatars should be private and we will be rolling out a patch to ensure that’s the case within the next few weeks. Please assume those URLs will require authentication and any requests coming from third-party apps will need to be proxied.

Hope this makes sense, and please let us know if you have any further questions! :slight_smile:

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I added a suggestion for avatars to be public. I my case, an integrations such as Hubspot need to retrieve project icons, but currently we receive 403 Forbidden on all projects icon (because we use custom icon)

Go vote for the idea to be retained:


Hello. In my case, using forge app, when loading an avatar (custom image) like the following: “https://api.atlassian.com/ex/jira/c366c481-1c6e-43f4-bdb3-646803b6rot8/rest/api/2/universal_avatar/view/type/issuetype/avatar/10551?size=medium”.
And the following error occurs: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()
{“errorMessages”:[“You do not have permission to view the avatar.”],“errors”:{}}
My scope in manifest.yml are:

  id: ari:cloud:ecosystem::app/b25ec481-1c6e-43f4-bdb3-646803b6cao9
    - read:avatar:jira
    - read:project.avatar:jira
    - read:jira-work

I don’t know how to solve it.
The problem is the same?
Any ideas?

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Have the same issue here.

Did you find a solution?

Same problem here, please ping me if a solution is found

Hi, this solved the problem for me:

      - 'api.atlassian.com'