Atlassian Developer Experience Team Office Hours ☕️

Want to talk to the Developer Experience (DX) team directly? We’re here to chat. :studio_microphone:

Every month, members of the Atlassian DX team will be hanging out on a Zoom call for one hour to talk about whatever you want to.

How do I join? We’ll register a new event titled Developer Experience Off Hours: Atlassian Community Events Atlassian Developers. All you need to do is RSVP to join!

What are we going to talk about? Whatever you want to. We’ve heard from multiple folks that they’d like more chances to talk to the DX team directly. We’re happy to talk about anything you’re interested in.

What about another time? Yes! :mantelpiece_clock: When works for you? Let us know in a reply and we’ll try and find another time or two that covers you.


Hi Bentley, great initiative!

Does the Developer Experience link require specific permissions to access? I get an “access denied”.

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Whoops! Give it a look now.

That works! And a handy resource, thanks! :grinning:

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