Confluence 8.3 release EAP available now

Hi everyone,

A Confluence 8.3 EAP milestone is available now! EAP releases provide a snapshot of our work-in-progress and give you an opportunity to test and fix your apps before the final release.

As usual, we’ll be releasing weekly milestones and betas during the development of Confluence 8.3, so head to Preparing for Confluence 8.3 to find out what’s changed.

Get the latest EAP

If you have any problems with an EAP release, please raise an issue to let us know. The earlier we know about problems, the more time we’ll have to fix them before the final release.


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Hey @Wendy ,

Thanks for the comms on the EAP. A number of vendors are struggling with announcements about new versions now that the Confluence docs are no longer watchable. Please could you let us know if there is any strategy in place to look into this?


Hi @Wendy , thank you for sharing this. Could you please let us know whether Confluence 8.3 would be an LTS version?

Hi @FirasMkaouar thanks for your question, 8.3 won’t be an LTS version. However, we’ve recently announced that the next LTS will be Confluence 8.5.

Read the announcement here: Announcing the next Confluence Long Term Support release

Hope that helps!


Hi @dlindsay, apologies for the late response to your question. The team have been actively looking at better ways to alert customers and vendors about new releases since the removal of the watch feature and user accounts in our release notes and documentation space.

Our interim solution is to post about new LTS bug fix releases (which are typically the most downloaded versions) on this forum. Do you find these posts helpful?

As soon as we have a better strategy and mechanism for informing vendors, I will definitely share it here.

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Thanks very much for the update @Wendy . As our customers expect us to be compatible with each major/minor version of Confluence the same day you release it, only posting about LTS versions still means that we have a visibility gap. Even a short post in this channel in the interim for new minor version GA would be really appreciated.

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Hi @dlindsay, thanks for providing that context. We can certainly post announcements for all GA release versions in this forum going forward, and we’ll continue to announce LTS bug fix versions as well.

Tagging my fellow contributor here as well so she is aware @DariaShatsylo :slight_smile:

And hopefully, I have good news about another strategy soon!


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